Today's Special

By Connections

Almost Finished

Racing to beat the clock, as I have to get up in the dark on Saturday morning in order to begin the long journey to Austin, Texas. Phil will drop me off close to home for the first stage -- a charter bus service to SeaTac airport. From there, it's a couple of flights east.

I'm heading in that direction to have a few days with my sister, and then I'll go even further east, to North Carolina, to get together with several of my cousins for a few days. Our numbers are dwindling, and we want to have time together while we're still able to travel.

Phil will "hold down the fort" here, keeping an eye on our house-painting crew, as well as continuing to enjoy playing pickleball and "making sawdust" in his workshop. 

I'm taking only my little Sony RX-100 and my iPhone on this trip, and probably won't take many photos. We'll see!

Blip 1872

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