
By RhubarbCrumble

Wakey wakey!!

So I struggled to sleep last night. First I looked at the clock and it said 2.20am, then it said 3.40am. No sleep. I don't know when I finally got to sleep. I do however know that just before 11am I woke and saw two texts from people at work and three missed calls from my colleague/service manager (who was off work).

I rang my colleague to let her know I was okay. Imagine my surprise when her husband answered - she was driving! To my flat! She pulled over and I spoke to her, turns out she was on her way to mine to check how I was. She was bringing her husband, who is a Police Sergeant, incase they needed to break in!

I feel like such an idiot! I don't even remember turning off the two, yes two, alarm clocks I have set up in my phone! So today I went and bought an alarm clock for my back up. I've even set it up at the other side of the room so that I have to get up to turn it off!

I didn't get in until 12.30pm. I ended up working until 6.45pm and will be making up the rest of the time over the next three days.

I really really hope this doesn't happen again tomorrow!

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