Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Things You Discover

Okay this IS an EB. My usual practice on such occasions is to rummage round my desk. In doing so I came across a little box containing a memento kindly presented to me at the end of one of my last ever jobs ... when I covered the local RSL sub-branch's 90th anniversary celebrations. I suppose that I must have glanced at what it was back then but had clean forgot  that I had it. It is hard for me to convey what a nice little key ring this is and it did look fetching - late at night by my desk lamp.

What of the M.Zuiko 75-300?

Some of you may recall that I have been testing the M.Zuiko 75-300 for a potential purchase. I felt it might enable me to increase the range of subjects that I can photograph in these days of frequent mojo strikes. For those who may be interested, I have confirmed the very many favourable reports I had previously received concerning the lens in question. It is a very sharp hunk of glass and pretty nicely made as well - especially given the paltry asking price. Highly recommended to anyone who may be considering it. Thanks to Trisharooni for the loan of an example.

I am convinced that the 75-300 would NOT be the reason that potential future bird and action shots might be soft or blurry. The reason would be the lack of skill shown by the user. (In this case the elderly and arthritis ridden yours truly) The last week or so has convinced me that I am just too slow and deliberate for good quality high speed captures. While I intend to improve, I doubt that birding or sports will ever be something I get especially good at. The likely result will be that having bought a dedicated long lens, it may actually spend most of its time in the camera bag, underutilised.

Nonetheless, my excellent OMD is also spending long periods of time unloved in the bag and so I figured I should fit it with something that will make the camera more versatile. Accordingly I have ordered the marvellous M.Zuiko 14-150mm instead. (i.e. 28-300mm ff eq) Umm. There's a slight chance I may blip the new kit when it arrives. :o))

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