Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Helping hand

Weather changed again last night and it turned out to be the right decision to have today off. Ankle didn’t feel too bad this morning after last night’s accident. J was working from home so she could go to the dentist and get her flu jab. Stayed in to wait for some parcels and managed to get the ironing completed and some back blips. When J was back I started to get the lawn area levelled using the left over dirt from the garden patch we put the patio on. Kilda came out to help out and had great fun. The lawn was delivered but they were one piece short. To do the lawn they suggested only 22 rolls but I worked out with the cutting it was best to have 23. Luckily they had a spare on the wagon to give me. Managed to get 1/3 of the area levelled before the rain arrived. Spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and making some more beer. Think I got the mash section too hot this time as the thermometer probe wasn’t in the right place. Still should taste OK.

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