
By Topsyturvy

On guard

I set a batch of rhubarb gin going when we were last here and (unbelievably) had forgotten. What a great and wonderful surprise :-D
Poppydog is either guarding the gin from other predators (aka LH) or trying to save me from myself. She hasn't yet decided but I suspect if I feed her she might just let nature take its course either way.
A disgracefully late start but we redeemed ourselves a little with a windswept wander at Eastside, then ruined it with lunch out. Ah well. I'm sure I'll use calories soon as the garden does need a good spruce up before winter.
We took a peek at the Marengo Community Garden in The Hope just to get some good ideas for our virgin little walled area and were impressed by the geraniums and monkshood in particular (but I won't be planting the latter: Aconitum is an amazing homeopathic remedy but it's also a warning as to its toxicity!).
And now the gin-soaked rhubarb has gone into a crumble (wouldn't want it to go to waste now) ... ;-)
PS extra blip is a sudden orb of light over the water. And then the shower arrived ...

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