Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns


Last night, our oldest yanked his front tooth out. It was crazy but fun. He was so proud of himself, because he's growing up.

I told him that I'd photograph photograph him when I got home tonight, so we could take advantage of the pretty light and not be in a hurry (like all mornings). He darted off to school ecstatic to show his friends.

When I got home this evening, he was down. I mean really down. He said that people told him that he was ugly and that his smile was gross. He didn't want me to take his photo anymore because he's too ugly. I honestly had no idea how to react. I know children are mean, but losing a tooth is something so common. Everyone looks silly, so I just don't get it.

So we talked about how beautiful each person is in this world. We talked about the silly smiles all kid's have when they lose their teeth, and I managed to find the cutest little girl singing All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth on youtube. She was missing four teeth in total, and it was adorable. His mood began to lift, and he finally decided he wanted photos. I got a LOT of closed mouth photos, but I managed to get him talking and snapped a few shots with his tooth missing.

When it came time to choose his favorite, this is which one he chose. I am proud of my little guy.

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