Pictorial Memories

Yesterday's blip got me digging up more of Harry Phillip's photographs. I have added a few captions and uploaded them to my temporary blipfolio, removing everything else. Why not take a look?

In today's blip I am consulting a handy little reference called "Pictorial Memories Blue Mountains" compiled and writteh by John Low, pubished by Atrand 1991. Many of the photographic illustrations were shot by Harry Phillips who ran a photography/printing/publishing business in Katoomba between 1909 and 1938 (died 1945) He shot thousands of photographs over the period, many of which were published as postcards. More than anyone else, he is credited with "selling" the Blue Mountains as a holiday destination.

Following his death, (typical of the 1950's and 1960's) much of his work was dismissed as "kitch" and most of his irreplaceable glass plates were destroyed. That period has an awful lot to answer for.

The first picture in the blipfolio shows his original shop. The old building (at 159 Katoomba St) is still there, unbelievably disfigured and run down. I took a picture but I didn't have the heart to post it - sorry.

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