The Visitors

Despite it being warmer today I still felt chilly. I guess it because I'm not moving about much.

Had visitors this afternoon which cheered me up. D and N called in for a couple of hours. They live dead opposite and had threatened to come before but it's only this week that I've wanted to see people. The picture should have been somewhat different but I forgot to ask them to pose.

N called in on her way to pick up the nipper and it was good to see her too.

More visitors tomorrow - I wonder if I'll remember.

No walk today as I am still sore from yesterday but I must get out the tomorrow if I want to get fit. Incidentally I got on the scales this am and I have lost a bit more weight which is good. Trying to keep on the straight and narrow is difficult some days..

Thanks for calling in today

Don't forget that today is the Hindu festival of light or Diwali when light conquers darkness and good beats evil etc .....

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