Getting there

For quite a while now, I could not see the actual sunsets that we've had because they were hidden from me by a building and a tree that my balcony looks out on. The best I could hope for was a nice sky afterwards and more recently just a glimpse of the setting sun through the tree's leaves. Now that those have started to fall and the sunset is very slowly moving toward the left of my view, I can start to look forward to photographing the setting sun again. At least for a while. Until it will have moved too far to the left and I won't be able to see it again.

Fortunately, this evening's sunset was a particular nice one and as soon as I'd photographed it, I knew that it just had to be my entry for today. It very definitely beats a photo of the clock at work when I finished my long shift this afternoon, which would have been my emergency blip if this sunset had not happened.

A big thank you for the kind comments on yesterday's entry. I'm afraid I have to apologise again for my own lack of comments on other journals, as I'm now going back to Casper to give him some of the attention that he deserves.

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