If You Go Down To The Woods Today....

Alexander and I dropped off Mr HPW to go to party conference and then went to see our friend Caroline doing her first craft fair - in case you need any lovely house or baby things, she does Etsy too....

Then we went to the Botanic Gardens to see the fish. I haven't been since we moved. Alexander tested the acoustics and then we tested the new tearooms. He was most insistent on going inside and sitting at his own chair - and having lunch. The American lady seen here wearing a red jacket was at the next table, and she thought he was hilarious, which is just as well since when she had her three-tiered cake stand brought to her table, Alexander pushed his soup away, saying "done" and then "mines cake". I tried to explain they weren't for him, but he wasn't having any of it. She gave him a slice too. Good job he's cute.

Then we discovered this quintet playing the Teddy Bears' Picnic in the Kibble Palace. A very nice day.

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