Beneath Biscay

By Douglian

Taunted by a tug

This tug is named after a roman villa on the outskirts of Gijón, called Veranes. Coincidentally I had driven to the Veranes site on Friday, after dark. I thought its car park might be somewhere undisturbed at night and a bit shielded from the city lights, from where I could have a go at some astrophotography.

Unfortunately when I eventually found it, after a bit of a tour of dark and windey country lanes, the entire site, including car park, was completely fenced off and locked. No doubt to protect the remains.

Then I had another idea and headed off down more back roads to a hill elsewhere on the outskirts called Monte Areo. Here there are megalithic remains, including a dolmen, and several small visitor car parks dotted around the site.

This was also to prove fruitless. The signposts petered out as did the roads which started to turn into tracks. So I resolved to return and reconnoittre on another occasion, in daylight.

My only previous visit to Monte Areo was many years ago. We had parked and headed off on foot, but had not been able to find the any of the remains. Hopefully it will be third time lucky when I try again and Monte Areo will reveal its mysteries.

So today, not having enough time to go for a reconnoitre, I just went up to the Campa Torres headland where I calibrated my Pentax O-GPS1 'Astrotracer' unit for the first time. At least that worked and added geo-location to my photos, even if I will have to await clear skies and the discovery of a suitable location before I can use it on the stars.

While on the headland I was able to take a few shots while being taunted by the tug, reminding me of my frustrating fruitless friday expedition to Veranes.

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