
By TinyTraits

Copyright 2012 Marina Dzessa-Gilham http://www.tin

Here's my Augustine. My love, my joy and the most amazing little boy I know. I've been wanting to start this journal for quite some time now, and I'm finally doing this and very excited about it! I hope to tell our story through photos so that we can look back at it together hen he's older and hopefully I will see many smiles on his face while looking through these photos and reading little notes about our days.

The last couple of days my boy has been really loving listening to music in these headphones. He smiles and dances along to the music and it makes me so happy to see him so thrilled! Here he was listening to Adam Lambert (one of our favorites!) and having a blast :) We didn't get outside today because last night Augustine had a fever for the first time in a very, very long time I'm pretty sure it's teething since the orajel seemed to make him a much happier kiddo during the day! Hopefully tomorrow we can get outside and capture some new memories together.

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