Jack James

By JackJames

Black Bird

Tough day at uni, though only because for some reason my brain refused to function and even the most menial task of adding and dividing became an uphill slog.

Had Spanish class this evening for the second time - and got upgraded to the next class up, B1, after the teacher recommended it. Was happy that she did so - it's much harder but getting onto grammar terms that are much more confusing to study on your own from a book or from an internet site.

That finishes at 8 - back home with Arms and Millie and had crepes before heading to the 'black bird' to do the wednesday jam session. Went much better than last week, partly I knew what the setup was, and partly because I didn't have 4 bottles of alcohol swimming in my stomach. Free pint of carlsberg from the barkeep after, nice surprise!

Had some much and a beer at 100 motaditoes, saw my old flatmates, and then headed home.

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