My boys

That blue sock, that pair has only been worn once and we've already lost half of it. The grey pair has been worn much more often but now we've lost half of that as well. Ben laughed when I brought him down these two odd socks. I brought some slipper socks to wear over the top as well to hide the mismatch but he shook his head and wouldn't wear them so he's showing off his one blue and one grey sock with pride today.

Charley is learning to stand up by himself - as in, getting up to standing without help. His balance is great. He stands there playing with stuff (like the drumming with clotheshangers the other day!). He has no need to hold on to anything for balance any more. Getting around is still a little more tricky but he manages very well with his combination of cruising and Mowgli-crawling. He loves pushing his trolley around and we discovered the other night that the only thing that stopped him crying (overtired, needed to go to bed) was for him to totter along behind his trolley!

Physio for me this morning, I'm now being handed over to a fitness rehab specialist for some training sessions. Part of me feels a little guilty that I'm basically getting a personal trainer free on the NHS but it's helping already with the shoulders, and now I'm working on the knees as well. It's a very holistic approach and very informative as well. I'm hoping that once I get the basics sorted out here (ie my hips and knees and shoulders) that I can carry on with a pilates class or something.

Steve's off now for another business meeting.... and I'm getting more and more concerned about the hole in my office floor. It wasn't such an issue before, as there was so much stuff covering it like boxes and cardboard but now it's been re-exposed we've realised it's in exactly the wrong place for a hole (what hole isn't?) and all of us have nearly fallen through at some point already. Good job it has at least one layer of cardboard stapled down over it but that's not going to last very much longer..... wretched woodworm eating our house up!! (It's been treated don't worry, no more woodworm, just their legacy....)

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