Tiny church

I have passed this church very many times, but the only time I have been inside was to a wedding fifty years ago. Today I stopped, to revisit and explore.
St Nicholas Church, Pyrford, was built in about 1140, and is one of the oldest churches in Surrey that stands as a complete building of one period. It's small Norman proportions remain as they were built, unaltered by aisles or chapels. The bell tower and the porch are Tudor, so are ancient in their own right. The church is tiny, with seats for just 110 people. See an interior view - extra. I also was enchanted by the altar frontal, an embroidery dedicated in 1968 and designed in a medieval style. It depicts figures on the Pilgrims' Way. There is a serene atmosphere in this beautiful little church.
In total contrast, I went on to Hobby Craft, the craft supermarket. It was very busy, with parents and children finding things to keep themselves occupied over half term.

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