Wistful moments

By KathM

Day 3

Today i had my wake up call at 04.15 for an early breakfast before our trip hot air ballooning over the Masai Mara. That's me on the far left. :-) It was fantastic. As we "took off" we were up in the air as the sun rose over the horizon casting a golden glow over the plain where there were numerous animals grazing. It was such an experience to view them from above, and when the burners were turned off it was really peaceful.
On landing we were treated to a champagne breakfastwhere the glasses were filled regularly!
We then set off for a game drive to visit the wildlife we'd seen from above, including a male lion who was magnificent, and a cheetah with her 4 cubs. We travelled alongside a river for a while and spotted crocodile and numerous hippo's wallowing in the muddy waters.
Before our return to camp a few of us took up the opportunity to visit a Masai community where we were given a welcome dance and given a tour of their very basic living conditions. It certainly was an eye opener. All in all a very busy day.

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