Back Blip - Miraflores

Lima, Perù. 

It was exciting getting here yesterday. The taxi drive from the airport to the hotel was pure insanity. I have never seen traffic of this kind anywhere that I have visited before. A free for all. Constant honking and nosing your way into spaces that should never be attempted by paint loving and smooth fendered individuals. Somehow it all worked. I made it through dinner and then crashed hard.

Today was an easy day waiting for night to come when I would go visit a customer. We made a walk up the Malecon in the morning, a late lunch and an early dinner. There is a constant pulition in the air that smells like burnt plastic. Lima is a desert. Second only to Cairo in the megacity dryness.  The ocean is right in front which tempers the temperature and brings in a bit of moisture.  A very stark contrast from flying over Amazonia and all the huge cloud massifs. I was warned not to drink the water and to be careful of any foods that may be washed in the water - like salads and fruits, and especially ice cubes.

I suppose I didn't listen well enough. Early grumblings of a delicate stomach...

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