knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Beach warrior

Started the day with a walk down the beach with the dogs. A guy has been making scarecrows along the beach with debris washed up from the sea for several months now. It's been cool seeing them progress overtime, and this weeks efforts were good as there were sand warriors spread along the rock armour.
Headed up the coast to Once A Sheep to have a chat about some stuff. As always other regulars popped in so had a nice catch up with them, and it was especially great to see my friend Jane as haven't see her for weeks.
Dived back to get the child from school and then took gonzo and Millie to the vets. Got there to find the appointment was tomorrow but they squeezed us in anyway. Gonzo is boostered and Millie is putting more weight on which is great as hopefully it means the special food she's on is sorting out her thyroid.
Chilled night ahead and think I might try and get some spinning done as missing spin Saturday this weekend.

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