Let There Be Light

By solli

Winging On

Aix sponsa ~Wood Duck

Good viewed large!

I awoke early with a sense of celebration and anticipation of finding something remarkable at Lenape Park to share with you all. I hope you enjoy this pair of wood ducks, I've never seen a female in my life, and she mesmerized me with that eye!

I have to say that my excitement level hasn't changed since I posted my first blip a year ago. I love sharing what I see with you all, and I absolutely enjoy seeing your remarkable photos, reading your journals, laughing out loud or being so moved by what you have written that I find myself in tears.

Thank you all for your support, encouragement, stars, comments and hearts this past year. You're a great group of people and I hope you do enjoy what I bring to the blip table. Since there's a few of us:


Hobby Number Four

Arkensiel Photography


celebrating various milestones today, please share a piece of the blipcake that I found at the little French bakery in Mountainside.


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