Matric Valedictory Ceremony

'M' is for Matric! ;-)

What a proud evening! R jr's sweet liitle A is Dux Scholar for 2012!! She is THE BEST AS student in our school! She got the trophies for:

Best Achievement in Afrikaans
Best Achievement in English
Best Achievement in Mathematics
Best Achievement in Science
Best Achievement in Biology
........ and, of course the Dux Scholar Trophy - for the AS-level student who has achieved the top acdemic results!

Congratulations sweet Anrie! Your parents, Grandparents, Brother and Lovie R, as well as our whole family and the school, are so proud of you!

We were joking about how balanced her life is, 'cause guys, this girl does not only study, she is in love as well, on the side, remember!! She and R jr were going out for 3 years already!

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