It's finished!

Well, as much as these things can ever be completed. There's a set of coathooks to put up and doormats to buy but apart from those minor things Susan's studio is ready to use. It's taken about a year from first discussions with the shed company to get to this point. Susan spent a happy afternoon vacuuming and cleaning then moving stuff from upstairs into the cupboards and onto the tables.

I'm expecting this to be the start of a lucrative ;-) business venture now she has sufficient space to paint, sew and generally do crafty things. Well, not really but I think she's very pleased with the space. Give me more space up in the study too.

Had a flying visit from my brother and his wife and younger son late this afternoon. They were on their way from Derbyshire to Sussex to pick up a friend to travel on to Devon tomorrow for a few days. Traffic, as usual, was poor and so instead of arriving at 4.30pm, it was more like 6.45. I think this is the first time in 17 years that my sister in law has been inside our house.

Earlier I'd looked out some negatives of Christopher on the day he was born, something I'd wanted to do to send to Chris and De'Shaun. They were interested to see how Landon looks compared to Chris. Well, he's not so heavy that's for sure. Chris was 10lbs 4oz, Landon was 7lb 13oz. That's some difference. I came across a shot of my brother and his wife in 1984, my we all look young. And his son today looks just like Richard did on that photo all those years ago.

I have much scanning to do of slides and negatives going back to 1969. Perhaps in the new found space in the study, I can get on with a bit now and again.

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