Lizellens Lot

By lizellen

Using P....

It is not what you may think.

I read a short article recently on how manual, AV and TV  modes on the camera are popular choices but the P mode is vastly under-used.  Certainly I had never used it. The article explained its uses and how to get the best from it so this morning Blip Mate and I set our cameras onto P and went out on our Saturday morning Blip Hunt.

We tried to be scientific and take 2 pics of each subject - one using P and the other our usual mode setting for comparison but this fell by the wayside when we spotted dragonflies. We had never photographed dragonflies before, either and in the excitement forgot about P.

Unfortunately, the dragonflies were all flying around over the water and so none of my dragon pics were sharp enough to use in Blip. Close though.

Once I had got over seeing blurry dragonfly pics,  I looked at what I had and chose a couple from which to select my blip . The Jury is still out on using P mode but I did noticed that the two I had selected were both taken in the P function.

One definite plus is that it is very easy to use - we even let the camera choose the ISO. With some I noticed the camera chose very different settings than I did. And got a better result - especially with water. It was suggested in the article that the best use of this mode is when rapid changes of settings were required. I can see that would be practical.

I am going to have another try tomorrow.

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