
By Moiety

Champagne Tasting

Today I broke my glasses, but got them fixed with my optician's, forgot my purse when walking there, so had to turn back, and finally went to see an orthopaedist about my ankle. Not the best of days.

But luckily in the evening we had a Champagne Tasting event at the Finnish -British Society in Tampere, which covered up for it all. I saw Myra, my good friend from 10 years back, whom I haven't seen in years. She moved to the Arab Emirates to teach English there, met her second husband there, and - as I found out today - has moved back to Tampere!
There were also colleagues from the University of Tampere there, so it was really nice to catch up.

These were all the wines we sampled today: the second one from the left was delicious, the next one was real champagne, hmmm, Pink was not so good, neither was Valkia (the worst one actually) and Gancia Asti was so sweet it was a bit difficult to say anything. Plus we were pretty wasted already when we got that far. Luckily there were also some niblbles to eat, too,  while tasting the wines.

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