Coffee & Cuddles

We met up with James & Rich this afternoon...nattered the hours away over coffee. Then later we headed (Asha scootered) to a park & enjoyed a mint tea in the COLD!!! It was positively chilly!

Drama of the day;
Half of my Messenger contacts list being sent a random link to a kids cartoon...I think Asha must have done something by accident...unless hackers are now into sending innocuous stuff!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny taking Asha & Nate for a walk this morning so I could get some stuff done.
2) Good friends...feels all the more special with no family close by. I love that James and Rich have known Nate since day dot.
3) Asha discovering a passion for pomegranate. I made that cous cous salad & it went down well! 

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