Showers and sunbeams (Day 906)

We had a very good night at Pam and Richard's last night, and, surprisingly didn't feel too shabby this morning.
I wandered up the hill with the woofers in a cold breeze and was treated to a particularly icy shower of rain.
Back at the ranch,  my beautiful wife and I passed the morning over cups of coffee before an early lunch and a trip across to Yesnaby for a walk along the clifftops. Heavy showers were blown past us and we stayed dry under dramatic skies. I liked the sunbeams over Hoy.
On the way home, we popped in to see Mum and Dad. They are heading off south on Monday night for some cancer treatment for Dad and then a few days looking after my sister's kids.
On the way home, HV slammed on the brakes and as we squealed to a stop in a cloud of smoke she pointed into a field where an otter was running around. He was huge - maybe four feet long and seemed unconcerned with our presence as I fumbled to change lenses. I managed to get one or two shots of him. It is our first otter sighting and we are delighted to have had such a good view for so long. One of today's highlights.
I am looking forward to an evening of much needed R&R with HV.

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