Commemorating the struggle for Civil Rights

We had a fantastic afternoon/evening including Theatre, music, and dance to celebrate the courage and sacrifice of those who have led the long, and continuing, march for civil rights. Locations around the city held events to commemorate the Jarrow Hunger March 1936, the Peterloo Massacre 1819: The Amritsar massacre 1910, the Sharpville killings 1960 and the Selma to Montgomery March of 1965, culminating in all the groups walking onto the Tyne Bridge.

50 years ago Martin Luther King Jnr came to the city to accept an honorary degree from the university. Ailie’s daughter has had a major role in organising events to commemorate this, so we joined the Selma to Montgomery March, from Haymarket with #3 daughter and Ella. Ella met more friends on the March than we did - Meg from school, Anouk an old friend from nursery, and on our way back, Andrew and his mum, Ailie’s daughter.

Ella fell asleep in the car on the way here - her school has an inset day so she’s staying here.

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