a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Off on a jaunt to the ABC tonight, having scored tickets for Gruen Planet's studio audience. It was a staggeringly polished taping of the show compared with the one I went to earlier in the year at Channel 7 (which had its positives in that Channel 7 had free alcohol and munchies so that you would clap enthusiastically at anything that moved on set, whereas there's no way Auntie ABC would shell out for such luxuries).

For those with no clue as to what Gruen Planet is, here's the Wikipedia summary.

Topics tonight:
a) the furore over radio personality Alan Jones' comment that the Prime Minister's father died of shame
b) discussion of the sponsors who have withdrawn from Alan Jones' show as a result (complete with pointed comment that a certain car company supported the Nazis during WW2 but drew the line at Alan Jones...which didn't make it to broadcast)
c) ear-worming and that never-to-be forgotten Coles supermarkets "Down Down" ad (damn you Status Quo, for selling out..and don't get me started on Dawn French's adverts for Coles)
d) Lou's Reed's revamp of 'Take A Walk on the Wild Side" for use with Apple iPad adverts
e) People having to have Todd Sampson's t-shirt explained to them (today's was DILLIGAF)

No photos allowed (of course), so I had to take a sneaky greased-lightning one which unfortunately turned out a teensy bit blurry.

Luckily we've got tickets for another taping of Gruen in a couple of weeks, so I can have another crack then...

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