
By YellowTeddy

A busy day

Will and I spent the morning at our friends where Will and Alice played in the mud kitchen (they got very wet!), and carved pumpkins before bacon butties and some indoor games. I enjoyed a coffee and a chat with my friend. Rick was working and Sam wanted to stay at home with him.
Then off to get petrol and collect some orders from Asda. I bought a Halloween t-shirt too ready for tonight as I'm jot really a fan of dressing up so I thought it would make do instead of fancy dress .
After that we came home and had dinner before we went out to the home ed Halloween party which was hosted by one of the home ed families in their marshal arts centre and organised by their 10 year old son. The boys had lots of fun and ate a lot of sugar!
We got home at about 9pm which is a late bed time for Sam and Will so it was Pjs on and straight to bed. They were asleep fairly quickly!

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