
By Travelingkiwi

South coast of France

Sorry once again, we are now in the south of France right on the coast lovely weather yesterday as you can see its gone awful again, since the last blip we'v been through Rome Florence Vince venna, this is not in ant order Spain and just all the flooding thy had there we arrived in the wet and left very next day.
We travelled through the peranise wonderful and wet lovely old villages I seriously old so now we are heading back to the u. K and thoughts keep returning to home, it been a wonderful experience we have had a lot of help ,ah you should go there and see this, that's been the help I mean, also driving a 30 year old van, put's smile on people faces the very young and the old, and that's been nice as well.
So sitting out side writing this the van 30 meter from the office and believe it or not we can't get a signal from there, so I'm freezing my butt off so off to get a coffee

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