Hooses o Greenmow

It's been a fine calm day.  Fairly overcast and dark very early.  With the clocks going back, winter sure is here now!  Showers have come in tonight.

I've been working on the museum desk today.  It's been a really quiet day, and hardly any visitors.  I arrived home from work to discover the stove has been completed :)  Big Brian and peerie Brian have been busy getting the chimney out the roof. After tea I dashed off to work in the pub, finished early and friend Cathy popped over for a cuppa.  Fine and cosy tonight with my feet up and the fire roaring. 

On my lunch break I headed down to MacKenzie's Farm Shop to pick up a couple of bags of peat, for the fire tonight :)  I also nipped for a brisk walk too.  So it's a quick snap of some of the croft houses at Greenmow, with the middle house only a few years old.  Taken from Anness, Cunningsburgh. 

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