Doug, Karen, and Merrick's Pumpkins

One more day until Halloween. We carved pumpkins last night.

Doug is a big University of Michigan fan, so he carved a block M. Karen wanted to make sure we didn't forget the she carved it. Merrick made a nice classic jack-o-lantern.

As for my pumpkin...I started off really well on my owl. The body went well with the feathering. But then, but then...I had to get to the face. Somewhere along the owl turned into a bear. Doug thought it looked like a koala, Merrick thought it was a panda, and Karen just snickered. Cousin Markie showed up tonight and asked..."Who made the dog?"

My carving skills are going in the wrong direction. I'm not getting better...I'm getting worse. Oh was still fun.

One pumpkin left to carve, but I don't know if I'll get around to doing it.

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