youngies journey

By youngie66

It Feels like Its Going to Be A Long One

Well did not sleep great last night and up in the wee small hours to start work so down to Portobello Depot to pick this double set up into the station then jump on another train to drive it to Newcastle and work another one back then to top it off a wee trip round the Edinburgh Surburban Circle to route refresh the circle and finish so this shot was me walking away to the front of the double set so after prepping my train I was feeling so tired and thought to myself if I'm up everybodys up especially when I could accidently deliberately hit one of the two horns in my cab and give the local residents a rude awaking having them wave there fist at me with there rollers in LOL the big question is
Would I- Yes
Could I-Yes
Did I -No
its ok you all sleep well while Youngie struggles heehee anyhow on a strange note all the years of driving trains on the East Coast it was the first time I have spotted Two Unidentified Flying Objeccts as the sun was just rising near east fortune I noticed a bright object travelling very fast towards the sun heading west to east I had the onboard fitter travelling with me as the cab heating was not working thankfully he rectified it to make me cosy and I was telling him I had seen a UFO he laughed and said I was dreaming only for another bright object to appear just as we were arriving in Dunbar travelling super fast and on the same trajectory as the previous one when we arrived at Dunbar I even pointed it out to my Train Manager as well I was thinking they might be low orbit sattelites but one seemed to stop and move back towards us so very interesting but tiring day YAWN anyhow hope you all had a good nights rest

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