Here & There

By UncagedKiwi

On the road to nowhere.....

This is 7 mile bridge on the Florida keys highway. Kind of a weird experience - island hopping for over 100km out into the middle of the ocean to arrive at Key West, only 90 miles from Cuba!
Accommodation has proved rather difficult to find , rather pricey and hence a whole layer of stress on this trip. But tonight we have found a little oasis in old Key West. A stone's throw from the waterfront and it's noisy bars and restaurants, inside the gates it is a quiet tropical paradise with extensive tropical gardens and shaded patios .... perfect relaxation.
Fortunately Key West escaped the worst of hurricane Irma. You wouldn't know anything had happened. Yet all the way down from Key Largo there is debris piled up on the roadside awaiting removal, the trees are shredded of leaves, fences and billboards collapsed, and roofless buildings. VERY local effects of the hurricane. Many hotels and motels are closed, adding to the stress of finding somewhere last night (hence the brief Blip narrative yesterday).
Anyway, looking forward to a couple of nights here. Loving the old part of town here, the old wooden houses and buildings, reminiscent of Australian suburbia with covered veranda and terraces. Very picturesque.

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