
By Hirundo

Post Processing

A while ago, I was looking around for some tough stuff to wear while riving around on my knees etc. photographing. Too many 501s going at the knee...

My mate Russ suggested I try some of the kit he wears for both working and leisure. All good kit, only mail order. Having said that, customer service is excellent and returns and exchanges can be made completely free until satisfied.

I've bought loads now - trousers, tops, rain-wear etc. This time I needed some shes - sick of so-called "walking trainers" falling to bits - and costing too much even if discounted.

Got two choices of shoe, one pair I like but want a different color, one pair, not keen on. The only problem is, the outer box they arrived in from the courier is actually too big to use to send back via Royal Mail. Go figure.

Anyway, undeterred. Box cutter, gaffer tape and Bob's yer uncle ;)

Trouble is, I just can't stop buying kit that is tough, reliable, no frills and well-made. And German. Help me.

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