Get On Up! Get on Down.

Out to the Aunt for a good chat. I found her quite upset, she could finally take no more, and F has been taken into a home down at Balgreen. I think she was glad of the company and after a while she pulled out some old family clippings from newspapers dating as far back as 1885 and we quite lost ourselves reading them aloud and discussing those days in a different world.
Back, and out to meet the son at a little coffee roaster place at the corner of Albert Street - it had been a while; he was in good form, considering.
Then the main event - a gig at the Usher Hall - Josh Tillman aka Father John. Really quite excellent. My appetite was well whetted by an article I’d been pointed to in my favourite newspaper where the roots of his new album were traced back to Neil Young’s On the Beach. With that context (so important!) fresh in my head (the oldest but maybe not wisest head in the auditorium) I was just lovin’ it baby! Yeeee-haaaaa!!

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