Nose usage

A man down a hole on a mobile phone. Just before I took this picture, I saw him answer his mobile phone by running his nose (as far as I could see) down the screen. It's probably something you have to do if you are wearing gloves.

Ever since we arrived here at the end of August there have been works going on all around. Apparently they are something to do with electricity, but in some places some very large pipes are being put in the ground. Who knows? Anyway, it makes for a good #peopleatwork blip.

Still pretty cold here, but I think it's slowly warming up again, which I think the visitors who arrive tomorrow will be happy about.

Good mixed day at work, with a fair bit of time talking to people about stuff, and making some arrangements in particular for a trip to the far, far north in January. Can't wait. Spinning just before home time -- for the first time in English which was rather good. Meant I put more effort in and got some good results.

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