Glass wall

Don't read this.

I'm tired. I am not taking any decent photos lately. This is yet another boring photo that's heavily cropped to show something decent. The light is bad, the timing is bad, the subject is dull, like me.

I've been feeling down. What else is new? I feel kind of stuck. My job is going nowhere but down. My co-workers are leaving in droves, which means more work for the rest of us. We aren't getting raises (why should I expect one after over 200 people were laid off companywide this year?), and we're totally underappreciated.

I don't know. I feel empty. Lately I've learned that I define myself by my job, which is not how things should be. Since my job is dumb, I feel dumb myself. I should have more going on. I have an excellent girlfriend. I donate money to good causes. I am a photographer. I ride roller coasters. I have things going on, but I don't really have any goals other than a vague "get a new job." Doing what? I don't exactly know.

I sent my girlfriend my resume and cover letter so she can help me with them. That's step one. I'm going to revise them when she visits for my birthday later this month. I did realize my fear when she sent them back to me: that my resume and cover letter are utter trash. They're poorly designed (I am not a designer; you can see this in my badly framed photos), badly worded, don't play up my strengths and are a detriment rather than helping me. So that's why I have so few jobs write back.

That's all. I am feeling blue. Nothing to see here.

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