River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Tree Stump

Mostly grey all day.
I made mincemeat (for mince pies) using windfall Bramley apples and a pack of brandy soaked mixed fruit from Lidl. Some dark brown sugar and mixed spice and 3 large jars were the result.
Also peeled and salted the onions ready for pickling tomorrow - our store cupboard will have lots of nice treats for the long winter days!
Had a nice chat with my daughter on her walk into work. Lunchtime, a chat with The Sailor who's in Hamburg on a couple of ships. This afternoon a surprise FaceTime session with baby granddaughter and her Mam, always lovely chatting and laughing with you. Thank you and for leaving nice surprises on my blips xx
I found the tree stump behind the sheds, looking for my new garden fork - MrD told me he'd put it on a shelf in the garage (not up in the roof!!) - if it's dry tomorrow maybe I'll get some gardening done :-))

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