
By Transitoire

Le Spectacle

So now ends the strangest, but possibly one of the most entertaining evenings of my life! Kristie, Matthew, Kendra and I decided to go to the Ouverture et Présentation de Saison at the Espace Jean Vilar (a little theatre in Jean Vilar). Knowing only that the first hour usually consisted of the theatre owners sitting at a little table on the stage and telling the audience what was going to happen during the theatrical season, and that the second hour was usually a play we were quite confused as to why some rather incompetent stage-hands kept getting in on the act! What we originally thought were stage-hands were in fact the troupe of actors and the play was performed around the presentation of the season. Two hours of slapstick, the evacuation of the front four rows (much to the delight of those sitting further back!) and explosions of confetti and the reintroduction of the front rows complete with party hats came with it the realisation that it was in fact the 20th Birthday of the theatre and that there was free food and wine for everyone. Nothing like a French theatre experience to confuse and delight! Apparently this theatre is known for being quite avant-garde, so most of the audience were not too surprised when suspicious goings on started to happen. Me, I realised quite quickly that there were actors on the stage, but I still assumed that there was going to be another play after the spectacle that was happening before me - I'm obviously not arty enough!

So back to the beginning of the day - unfortunately still under the weather (really hope I will get better soon!) but managed to get into school to work. Filled in the L'immatriculation d'un salarié, which is pretty much a form that makes sure you get free healthcare and a social security number
- E.E.E - Espace économique européen- basically means you're from another European country
- Compte - account
- Verrouiller - to lock
- Gérer - to manage
- Imprimante - printer
- Imprimer - to print
In fatigued and irritable state, dealt with one of the only "normal" classes that I am with; 29 French children who don't particularly wish to learn French. Oh joy! But to be honest, they were actually quite nice once they had all had their gossip of the day and had made a few witty comments, "But Miss, Miss, the date of the test is on my birthday" etc.
- Je vais très bien - I'm very well
- Faire du vélo - to ride a bike
- Monter à cheval - to ride a horse
- Surfer - to surf
- Retourne ta feuille - turn over your paper
- Ils font de bruit - they are making noise

This was followed by sixième where I was treated to an hour of intense questioning from the kids...anything from "say a French word" to "do you like spinach?" I guess I'm just a bit of a novelty at the moment! My final class of today was troisième, who had a listening test. Was rather entertaining listening to the really slow pace of speech, and also the most seductive "can I see my room" ever (they are learning how to find roommates in English!). After collapsing for a few hours at home in bed, I had the lovely Kendra come over for dinner. The picture is actually of her being a domestic goddess and doing the washing up so I could have bit of a rest before we went to the theatre.

All in all, a great day. Just wish I could get better...

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