Walking Again

This morning the moonlight was flooding into the bedroom window.  Like a good blipper I set up the tripod on the deck.  We are above our neighbour's so I took photos still wearing my nightie.  I guess someone could have been looking up at me.  This one in extras was taken at 5.54 am.  
This afternoon I felt fit enough to test out my knee on a walk.  We went to the Barnicoat Walkway above Stoke because it starts as a graded forestry road and isn't as rough as my hill.  I did very well doing 45 minutes of uphill and down again.  The main image is the view over Stoke to the Waimea Inlet.  You can see the new houses are moving up the hill.   Home again and I did 30 minutes on the exercise cycle.  I have set up the second T.V which is also a DVD player and I can cycle and watch House of Cards.  I'm still able to move freely so I'm very pleased.     

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