New World Symphony

This is the 21st century. This is the composer and director for an ad hoc group called Swarmius. They are all music doctors. They take all the music in the world, roll it into 5 minute dark matter and blare it at you, but in a good way. I could have shown you the ones who play the instruments, but this is Joe Waters who wrote the pieces and put the tracks together that swarm around the room and my brain.

On a different note: I fired my vanpool in favor of a kinder carpool. My fellow vanpoolers took it rather badly, which showed me how right the choice was. I had made friends with a couple of them but those weren't there when I broke the news. The others complained that I hadn't given them 30 days notice and then pointedly ignored me the rest of the trip. I guess I'll blame their callow youth.

Note to Kendall: Vertical gardens are the wave of the future. It's all valuable, delete nothing.

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