A new rose for the deck

S and I went to the nearby Kings Garden Centre to get some flowering plants to brighten up the deck. One of the plants we bought was a rose, apparently called Nelson College. We have our suspicions however, as it is described as a Hybrid Tea, when it looks rather more like a floribunda. The colour to this person, with my red/green colour problems, is a much deeper red. 

Guy Fawkes night. Celebrating a failed plot to blow up the British parliament seems irrelevant in the 21st century. Instead, there are those who advocate that this day should be remembered as the day (in 1881) that Government troops invaded Parihaka Pa. The people of Parihaka had mounted a non violent protest at illegal land grabs (by ploughing the land they claimed as theirs , the act of ploughing symbolising ownership). The troops were let in because the people believed they had nothing to fear. The men were arrested and taken away, and incarcerated for over a year without trial. Women were assaulted and raped. Some died in the houses that were burned, as the Pa and village were destroyed.  

In June this year, the Crown formally apologised to the people of Parihaka; 136 years too late. Just as with the full story of Gate Pa, this was not taught, nor even acknowledged, when I was young

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