Squirrel Blip Friday .....

... times three!

As I had an appointment this morning and the weather was supposed to change by the afternoon I wanted to get my Squirrel Blip Friday photo before I left.  And, of course, the squirrels were very accommodating!

Two of these pictures were taken before I left .... the two on top. 

The one on the left shows one of the tinies (we have several young squirrels coming to visit us of late) reaching for the corn feeder!  It was just out of reach and it was quite amusing watching him trying to grab it! After a few minutes he gave up!

The one of the right shows another of the tinies up in the hanging bird feeder. Now, keep in mind that this feeder is at least 10-12 feet in the air!!! And it has a bar that when something heavy (such as a squirrel) sits on it the feeder closes.  This one has apparently figured things out ... first how to get into it and second how to sit in it and not press down the lever! Clever things, aren't they!

Later on after my appointment (and lunch with Richard!) the weather was nice enough that I could enjoy the deck once again.  I had put some peanuts on the railing again like yesterday, but nothing came around this time. When I went back inside I put some peanuts just outside the sunroom and sat inside with my camera.  The picture on the bottom middle was taken then ... and through the glass!

Happy Squirrel Blip Friday!

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