If a jobs worth doing....

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're all very kind, two blips in the Top Ten. For those who asked it was Jan19th when I last blipped the murmuration. If you're local and you want to know where it is email me (it's in the bio) and I'll let you know. Last year so many inconsiderate folk (obviously not Blippers!) turned up and damaged walls and the moor that this year I'm keeping it off social media.

Today was glorious.... so another favourite place seemed like a plan. Out early (well, our version of early) as there was lots we needed to do.
Smardale is wonderful, despite the horridness of the locals and their dishonest plan to remove the parking, I can't recommend it enough. The ex railway line also made for a wonderful relatively ankle safe path. I had however forgotten that the first mile and a half is through woodland, blip opportunities were not plentiful (we did see a red though - Smardale is my best guess at the genesis of our squirrels), I managed 1.2 miles, but there was no way I'm getting to the main viaduct yet.
Home I did some more Chair type work ahead of the British Association of International Mountain Leaders AGM. Having to explain to a grown man that whilst he might think his emails are "robust and entitled" if they make someone cry then they're not acceptable was a 'deep sigh' moment, but other projects are progressing nicely.... or they were until Microsoft decided they'd take charge of my computer, grrrr.
I thought I'd use the time to investigate and start to fix a difficult leak in the utility room. In the zone I'd stripped the fittings and replaced the whole under sink gubbins (correct technical term) and fixed it in under 30mins. "Excellent" I thought, I might as well change that tap washer, a 5 min job, but the tools are here.... I'm sure you can guess.... 2 hours later the simple job was done, it ended up involving much Anglo-Saxon expression, a hammer and a cut thumb.

Returning to the computer......! #@&?!@#&?@!!!! So infuriating.....

So out for a blip drive and a teensy careful stroll onto the Common to watch another stunning sunset and soothe the soul.

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