
By RikkiBlakecake1

Delete as appropriate

So... seeing as my blips keep getting taken down, i may need to curb the swearing... ffs

Preparations are under way for Christmas at work, rota planning gallore and a department Christmas dinner are top of the agenda... or so it might seem.

In my world I try to be 2 steps ahead of where I need to be, however when your inbox pings with umpteen million returns which need to be back by ‘close of play’ I begin to question my existence. I pride myself on being strategic/intuitive enough to see what’s coming, my rotas are in pretty good shape as always. However as the big C approaches I find it difficult to plan when I can’t anticipate what’s next...

The Christmas shindig is becoming a touchy subject with various people kicking off about not liking venues etc. These are grown up adults who are squabbling, they are doing my head in and i feel like a teacher. At least i can tell these bloody kids to F-off. Alas I shall remain cavalier about the whole thing as Christmas is hardly my favourite time of the year.

I’m on holiday next week and am going to London to see my folks, mum and dad have been getting louder and louder about me moving back ‘home’, London is a wonderful place to grow up and Cambridge doesn’t really compare, I love that you can get anywhere in London at anytime and that people flock there for good times. I love that my family are all there but I absolutely love the life I have here and like that the family are close but not close enough to barge through my front door unannounced.

The last few years have changed my entire life. I’ve been promoted, I’m single, self sufficient, and am happy in my own skin. These things all happened in Cambridge.

I’m not sure moving back to London is necessarily a step forward but never say never and all that jazz

Let's hope this doesn’t get removed i only hinted at swearing!!!

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