Sandcastle Holidays

By Sandcastle

Big green tank

If you've arrived here by means of following a Tweet, don't say you weren't warned in the title. This is a new tank, which we've had to have installed in our cottage as the old one sprung a leak. Nothing for it, but to get our plumber in. Luckily we had a small gap between bookings this week to get the work done.

I popped in on the way to Book Group this evening (yes, another one). We were discussing The Stranger's Child by Alan Hollinghurst, which those of us who had finished the book had read so long ago that we struggled to do it justice. Unfortunately the person who had recommended it to us hadn't been able to come along and lead the discussion.

I had hoped it would be well received as it was my cunning ploy to suggest it to my 'other' book group (two-for-the-price-of-one) so that I could break out and do some reading of ,y own choice rather than just the Book Group reads for the month. There was a time when I used to go to book group and try and read ALL the choices which had been proposed, and not just the one we'd selected. How did I ever find the time?

Anyway, I thought it was a clever book, and it appealed to my sense of how it is to research a life when you have only limited resources to go on. Like family tree research, when you only uncover bare facts.

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