Let There Be Light

By solli

Now What?

I was ready to leave Lenape after searching with no luck for the bluebird of happiness when I spotted a gray blue wingspan settle down into the reeds directly in front of my car. A present had dropped from the sky and boy, was I excited to open it!

I've never seen the heron at any location other than the pond or the lake so I discreetly picked my way through the tall reeds hoping he wouldn't notice me. I found him in the low grass near the #25 Lenape Lane tree swallow house. He was so intent on hunting that it became glaringly obvious that he didn't give a whoop about me, so I was able to inch within 15 feet of him and maintain that distance. It was 11:15am.

Within a few moments realized I was sans tripod. How will I manage the weight of the Sigma super duper? I was in too deep to go back for it now!

Harry was taking his sweet time too, stopping every few inches to eyeball a clump of tall reeds, his head angled, his beak stabbing and poking. I never saw a heron twist his head upside down like he did.

Harry bagged his first meal twenty five minutes into the hunt and although I wasn't sure what he captured, I knew it was BIG and it put up a decent fight. You can see how BIG by clicking here!

He dropped Grandma repeatedly and I began to feel bad. A small young female mantis flew by me in a panic to land on the reeds to my right. Smart girl I thought. Wait until the beast has passed then go in the opposite direction. It dawned on me with a tinge of horror that Harry would be stalking the praying mantis community.

He finished with his meal, wiped his beak on the brush a few times and moved on, his neck stretch out, stopping to peer into the clumps of thistles and milkweeds. He quickly stabbed his second meal and another battle ensued.

It was another mantis. As much as I hated to admit it, I had to admire his hunting skills. Harry was no dummy and he knew exactly where they were clustered. I continued to shadow him as he walked a beaten grass path that the grey fox and I have walked, circling around the field. We passed a female doe hidden and grazing in the tall reeds. She blew a whistle through her nose and bolted for the trees.

Harry moved into the milkweed pods and seemed to want to go toward the forest. Leaves were falling and I could hear the crunch of the dry grass as he stepped towards the woods. Don't go there Harry! I telegraphed. He turned and headed toward my car.

My arms and hands were killing me! Suddenly he spotted something in the milkweed, and a third battle ensued. He had found a garter snake! I was so excited I completely flocked the camera settings, firing off ten shots of high grain nonsense while he worked the snake into his mouth. See the Heron vs Garter battle here!

I glanced at my watch. Jeez, it was 12:03 and I was feeling pretty hungry. Harry had scoffed three full meals and I had zero. Time to wrap it up and go for lunch!

The symbiotic relationship was broken and I swear the heron understood. Goodbye Harry! Thank you for showing me how it's done! He turned once to glance at me and with a wide spread of his wings he lifted off and flew toward the reservoir.

The man at the Other Side Of Town Deli offered me a free bowl of chicken soup. It was delicious but all I could think of was praying mantis.

The Tree Memorial hit the Spotlight page at 3pm. Thank you all for sending it there! xo

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