And then...

Lovely, bright, warm, sunshiny day, with washing hanging on the line, family for lunch, sitting in the garden, a walk on the beach...

But then Hannah and Chris had to say goodbye before they left the area and headed back across the country to make their slow exit back to Australia. Not sure how long it will be before we see them again. Hopefully they'll be back in a couple of years...

And then Joel fell off his skateboard and had to spend - so far - 4 hours in A & E with his dad.

I've just heard that he's not seriously broken anything but there is enough "damage" in his wrist and lower arm (I guessing from putting his hands out to break his fall) to warrant waiting around even longer for a plastercast...

I hope they're in a different area now and away from all the drink-related incomers. Saturday night is a bad night to be in A & E...

I've been flapping and wittering and making chocolate brownies with the girls (which got stuck in the brownie tin and look awful by the way. (The brownies not the girls...) )

I'm slowly giving up on the idea of an evening meal but I hope I can have a glass of wine soon.

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