Shimmer & Shine

We had a lot of rain this morning...a scramble of an early morning looking for layers and hoods etc... 
After school the sun came out, so we headed to Cala d'Hort beach for a picnic. It was lovely. Asha and I played football...played with the waves...nattered...Danny bumped into a friend (quite impressive as there were only about 6 people on the entire beach!)... 

Drama of the day;
Trying to get home from the fitness class. Pouring rain and a screaming Nate. In the end I carried him and pushed the buggy with the other arm...not easy with a big baby and rain! Glad he had a hood! Sang Twinkle Twinkle for about 45 minutes straight!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Rain! 
2) The fitness moms taking it in turns to cuddle Nate during the class...I felt touched at how everyone was so willing to help out.
3) Asha's excitement at an afternoon as just the 4 of us...and the details of her day slowly coming out, the longer we had together. You can't rush her!

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