Fade to grey ......

The die or dye is cast & I am going back to my roots  (and for once I'm not talking about my family tree. Rather I have decided it time to transition from being a red head and embrace my natural hair colour (which I think is now a silvery grey).

For me dying my hair hasn't been about covering the grey: I have been dying it various shades of auburn for over 30 years starting with Harmony and then Clairol Nice 'n Easy and forays in henna before letting various hairdressers work their magic - so much so being auburn has become part of my identity. 

However the roots are becoming more noticeable and as my hair grows quickly this means more frequent trips to the hairdresser and so having passed a half-milestone birthday and taking inspiration from women of the same age who have embraced being that age I have decided it is time to fade to gray .... it will take time but first step in the journey has been taken and it feels pretty good.

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